Guillermo del Toro
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Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, Guillermo del Toro made his feature directorial debut in 1995 with the film Cronos, and has since gone on to direct Mimic, The Devil's Backbone, Blade II, Hellboy I, Hellboy II, and Pan's Labyrinth, which garnered enormous critical praise worldwide and won three Academy Awards. He is currently working on his next film, and writing the third volume in the Strain Trilogy with Chuck Hogan.

Nacido y criado en Guadalajara, MÉxico, Guillermo del Toro ha dirigido muchas pelÍculas exitosas, incluso El laberinto del Fauno. Va a dirigir dos pelÍculas basadas en El Hobbit, que serÁn producidas por Peter Jackson.

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