Lyn Di Iorio Sandin
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Lyn Di Iorio Sandín is the author of Killing Spanish: Literary Essays on Ambivalent U.S. Latino/a Identity (Palgrave Macmillan 2004). She has recently finished her first novel called Outside the Bones, and her short fiction has been published in The Bilingual Review, The Hogtown Creek Review, and The Texas Review, among other venues. She is also the author of articles and translations. She is currently a specialist in Latino/a and Caribbean literatures at The City College of New York.

Richard Perez is working towards his Ph.D. in English and American literatures at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He is currently writing his dissertation on the Specter in Post-colonial and Trans-American literature. His work has appeared in Centro: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies. Perez also writes book reviews for Tempo, the Latino section of The New York Post. He teaches at Hunter College.

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