S. James Guitard
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S. James Guitard is the nationally renowned author of three consecutive national best-selling books: Chocolate Thoughts, Mocha Love and Blessed Assurance. His latest book, a novel entitled Delilah s Revenge: There is Nothing More Dangerous for a Man than a Woman with a Plan, will be released June 27, 2006. His first book, Chocolate Thoughts, has consistently been rated one of the nation s best African-American books and has appeared on numerous bestseller lists. The paperback version of Chocolate Thoughts will be released May 31. 2006.

An exceptional public and motivational speaker, Mr. Guitard will be participating in book signings as well as radio and television interviews during his upcoming national book tour. In addition, Mr. Guitard is also a featured consultant author of the Anointed Author Workshop Series, a comprehensive writing and publishing workshop for aspiring and contemporary Christian authors. Mr. Guitard has written Bible commentary for Real: The New Testament by Thomas Nelson Publishers, one of the world s largest producers of Bibles.

A native of New York who now resides in the Washington, DC area, Mr. Guitard has devoted his professional career to improving the quality of education for poor and minority children as a college instructor, administrator, school teacher, Capitol Hill lobbyist, as well as an education policy specialist. Chocolate Thoughts, Mocha Love and Blessed Assurance comprise the beginning of a series of books, plays and movie scripts written by the author.

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