Thom Hartmann
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Thom Hartmann is the award-winning, bestselling author of over a dozen books, including The Edison Gene, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, and Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception. His groundbreaking work in ADD/ADHD and psychotherapy has been featured in TIME magazine, the New York Times, and in media around the world. He lives in Oregon.

Author of two NYT's bestsellers (Armed Madhouse and Best Democracy Money can buy), Greg Palast is an investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering turned journalist. His writings appear in Harper's, the BBC, the Guardian, and Democracy Now.

Mark Crispin Miller is the author of the best-selling books Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order, The Bush Dyslexicon, and Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election & Why They'll Steal the Next One Too. An expert in propaganda and media, he teaches at New York University.

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