Mental Floss: Scatterbrained share button
Editors Of Mental Floss
Format Paperback
Dimensions 7.18 (w) x 10.90 (h) x 0.68 (d)
Pages 256
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers
Publication Date July 2006
ISBN 9780060882501
Book ISBN 10 0060882506
About Book

The bathroom read to end all bathroom reads!

What does Greece (the country) have to do with Grease (the movie)? And what does Grease (the movie) have to do with greasy food? Plenty, if you ask the folks at mental_floss.

Based on the magazine's "Scatterbrained" section, the mental_floss gang has taken on the Mount Everest of trivia challenges: connecting the entire world through the juiciest facts they could find. How do you get from Puppies to Stalin; from Humpty Dumpty to Elizabeth Taylor; from the Hundred Years' War to 8 Minute Abs; or even from Schoolhouse Rock to Abstract Expressionism? You'll just have to open up the book to find out.


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Based on a popular feature in mental_floss magazine, Scatterbrained regathers facts in a most entertaining way. For example, the opening chapter begins with riffs on Greek marathons, the world's longest national anthem (158 stanzas), and the Father of the Pap Smear. From there, the book launches into discussions of toga parties, methods of execution, and the meaning of Latin phrases.


"The titans of trivia."

Calgary Herald

"An ideal reference to settle arguments or jog your memory."

Chicago Tribune

"For the discerning intellect, Mental Floss cleans out the cobwebs."

Washington Post

"A delightfully eccentric and eclectic new magazine."

Charlotte Observer

"Part scholarly journal, part Spy magazine protégé."

Chicago Tribune

“For the discerning intellect, Mental Floss cleans out the cobwebs.”

Washington Post

“A delightfully eccentric and eclectic new magazine.”


“A lot like that professor of yours who peppered his tests with raunchy jokes: it makes learning fun.”

Charlotte Observer

“Part scholarly journal, part Spy magazine protégé.”

Calgary Herald

“An ideal reference to settle arguments or jog your memory.”