Assessment and Grading in Classrooms share button
Anthony Nitko
Format Paperback
Dimensions 7.50 (w) x 9.00 (h) x 0.60 (d)
Pages 384
Publisher Prentice Hall
Publication Date July 2007
ISBN 9780132217415
Book ISBN 10 0132217414
About Book

Assessment and Grading in Classrooms is focused squarely on the needs of classroom teachers, emphasizing sound approaches to gathering both formative and summative information about student learning, to interpreting standardized tests for classroom purposes, and to using information from multiple sources to help students learn. Clear and concise, this truly practical book keeps readers focused on fundamental, foundational concepts while providing a wealth of real classroom examples and stories to illustrate these core concepts.

A Focus on Key Concepts The Key Concepts that begin each chapter are at once the summaries and the outlines of the chapters, making clear the 5 to 8 major ideas that are the focus of each chapter. These concepts serve as the major headings for the chapters, helping to keep readers oriented and clear about what precisely they should take away from each chapter. (See, for example, Key Concepts on p. 47 and then the major headings on pp. 47, 49, 54, 60 and 60.)

A Wealth of Examples and Guidelines–Every chapter begins with concrete examples that give readers practical applications and real-classroom understanding of what to do. Guidelines provide a complete list of steps for assessment procedures, making high-quality assessment practice easier for novices to achieve right away. (See pp. 89, 158, and 164-165 for a few examples.)

A Chapter on Formative Assessment–Chapter 6 explains what formative assessment is, what benefits for student learning and motivation are associated with formative assessment, and–importantly–how to do formative assessment in the classroom.

Balanced Treatment of Assessment for Accountability–This text presents information about No Child Left Behind and other accountability requirements, discusses standards-referenced interpretations of scores (as for state accountability testing), discusses accommodations for individuals with disabilities, and explains how to interpret various kinds of scores from large-scale assessments. All of these are presented and explained from the point of view of the classroom teacher (See pp. 9-15 for one example.)