Fiction: A Pocket Anthology share button
R. S. Gwynn
Genre Reference
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.50 (w) x 8.20 (h) x 1.00 (d)
Pages 480
Publisher Longman
Publication Date October 2008
ISBN 9780205655137
Book ISBN 10 0205655130
About Book

PENGUIN ACADEMICS compact yet complete–and always at a reasonable price!

We’ve created the Penguin Academics series with ease of use in mind–the books are conveniently portable, highly readable, attractively designed, and all at a great price.

The ideal alternative to longer anthologies, this brief, affordable, and diverse collection of

short stories from the past three centuries provides a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the study of fiction.

In keeping with the objectives of the Penguin Academics series, Fiction: A Pocket Anthology offers a range of widely admired stories from 19th, 20th and 21st century authors in a quality trade-format book at an affordable price.

Why do you need this new edition?

  • Thirteen new selections include stories by authors not previously represented in this anthology, as well as different offerings for previously anthologized authors.
  • Brand new to this anthology are authors Hisaye Yamamoto, Tim O’Brien, and Sherman Alexie, who bring diverse subject matter and styles to the mix.
  • New selections from Hawthorne, Poe, Kate Chopin, James Joyce, Faulkner, Hemingway, Flannery O’Connor, Alice Munro, Andre Dubus, and Lorrie Moore show these admired writers at their best.