Queer Popular Culture share button
Thomas Peele
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.40 (w) x 8.40 (h) x 0.70 (d)
Pages 278
Publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Publication Date March 2011
ISBN 9780230105591
Book ISBN 10 0230105599
About Book

This exciting collection brings together work from several disciplines that addresses the politics of queer representation in global contexts. Articles cover many aspects of contemporary culture, including the queer cowboy, the emergence of lesbian chic, and the expansion of queer representations of blackness. This accessible volume offers useful analytical tools that will help readers make sense of the problems and promise of queer pop culture.

From the Publisher

"Queer Popular Culture is a particularly valuable contribution to the dialogue regarding how meaning is made - how the massage of media and popular culture influence, when left unexamined, can shape attitudes for better or worse."--dailykos.com “This isn't your uncle's LGBT studies, and that's a good thing! Thankfully free of turgid prose, these engaging essays range across the landscape of popular culture in the U.S. and beyond. If this is the future of queer cultural studies, we're in good hands.” —Larry Gross, Professor and Director, School of Communication, Annenberg School, University of Southern California
“These essays show how a new generation of queer scholars are seizing and shaking our prior understandings of the intersection points between popular culture and sexual identities. Productively risky and thoughtfully provocative, exploring cultural spaces from the prime-time sitcom to the British gangster film, this collection shows how vital it is for queer thinkers to engage with popular texts and their implications for audiences of all persuasions.” —Andy Medhurst, University of Sussex Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence “Performances of queerness in popular practices and commercial media have involved courage and compromise, bold openness and calculated covering, innovation and complex interactions with stereotype. The essays in this book - careful, politically insightful, and vivacious- trace a wide range of recent public negotiations of queerness.  The lucid exposition and numerous references to other relevant studies make the book a terrific resource.” —Fred Everett Maus, University of Virginia