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James Baldwin
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.13 (w) x 7.99 (h) x 0.60 (d)
Pages 208
Publisher Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Publication Date January 2007
ISBN 9780307275929
Book ISBN 10 0307275922
About Book

This stunningly personal document and extraordinary history of the turbulent sixties and early seventies displays James Baldwin's fury and despair more deeply than any of his other works.  In vivid detail he remembers the Harlem childhood that shaped his early conciousness, the later events that scored his heart with pain—the murders of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, his sojourns in Europe and in Hollywood, and his retum to the American South to confront a violent America face-to-face.


Library Journal

Baldwin's 1972 volume is a right-between-the-eyes commentary on American racism in the 1950s and 1960s, capped by the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights figures. Still as powerful and important as the day it was written.

—Michael Rogers