¿Eres tú mi mamá? (Are You My Mother?) share button
P. D Eastman
Genre Ages 3-5
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 5.93 (w) x 5.93 (h) x 0.59 (d)
Pages 24
Publisher Random House Children's Books
Publication Date September 2001
ISBN 9780375815058
Book ISBN 10 0375815058
About Book
Un pequeño pajarito ha salido del huevo mientras su madre no está. Se cae del nido y sale a buscarla, preguntando a todo al que se encuentra --un perro, una vaca, un aeroplano y a algunos otros seres--: "¿Eres tu mi mamá?" Los niños adoran al pajarito y disfrutan enormemente el final feliz. ¿Eres tu mi mamá? es un clásico para los que comienzan a leer.

A baby bird, fallen from his nest, sets out to find his mother. Spanish and English. Full-color illustrations. Ages 4-8. 64 pages.


School Library Journal

PreS-Familiar stories are told in simple, repetitive language; some are reduced to a sentence or two. There's no distinction made between the Old and New Testaments. The unimaginative, static illustrations seem derived from old Sunday School texts. Everyone is fair-skinned except for the Magi and, instead of exuding the robustness that characterizes healthy humans, the adults seem curiously prepubescent. The book's usefulness in most collections is dubious.-Kathy Piehl, Mankato State University, MN