Mastering Assessment share button
W. James Popham
Format Paperback
Dimensions 7.50 (w) x 10.20 (h) x 2.00 (d)
Pages 480
Publisher Taylor & Francis, Inc.
Publication Date July 2006
ISBN 9780415952408
Book ISBN 10 0415952409
About Book

The term 'assessment literacy' is increasingly being used in education as teachers are required to know more and more about assessment and accountability. Most of today's public educators, however, were never required as part of their pre-service training to learn the ins and outs of this complicated subject matter. Most traditional textbooks were written for graduate students aspiring to be specialist in measurement and assessment.
Mastering Assessment is a packaged set of booklets about a wide range of topics related to educational assessment. Written by noted author, W. James Popham in his characteristic witty style, these short books put the most relevant information on assessment at teachers' fingertips. Reading through a booklet on reducing assessment bias, how to build constructed response tests, or scoring rubrics will provide teachers a quick, engaging means of becoming 'assessment literate'.