High Stakes share button
Dick Francis
Format Mass Market Paperback
Dimensions 6.74 (w) x 4.10 (h) x 0.81 (d)
Pages 304
Publisher Penguin Group (USA)
Publication Date April 2006
ISBN 9780425209141
Book ISBN 10 0425209148
About Book

Steven Scott may have been a successful, wealthy inventor with no experience in horseracing, but with the inspired guidance of his trainer, Jody Leeds, and the prowess of a beautiful black hurdler named Energise, he has brought home several wins. But his winning streak is about to come to a fast end when he discovers trouble in his own stables—trouble that could bring about his own termination if he doesn’t watch his step…

Steven Scott is relatively new to horses. He takes up horse racing as a hobby--a hobby that soon brings him a threat of death.