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Sandra Brown
Format Mass Market Paperback
Dimensions 4.25 (w) x 7.00 (h) x 1.25 (d)
Pages 496
Publisher Grand Central Publishing
Publication Date July 1997
ISBN 9780446604239
Book ISBN 10 0446604232
About Book

In this, her most ambitious novel yet, Sandra Brown weaves a tale of murder, passion and intrigue in the pristine corridors of the White House.


From Barnes & Noble

The Barnes & Noble Review
BarnesandNoble.com Member Reviews Very enjoyable This was a very nice story about what could very possibly be going on in Washington DC now...corruption, murder, conspiracy. -esgoos I agree!! I belive this is her worst book. I got lost trying to keep up with all the characters pasts. I kept hoping it would get better . She should stick with her romance writing. -Chon Thank goodness I saved my money I've read several of Sandra Brown's books, so I feel I can justify my critique. Someone needs to tell her to go back to romance (which she can write) and leave the field of political thrillers (which she *can't* write). Brown commits the one cardinal sin a writer can do: absolutely none of the characters were likable. If every single person in this book had died in an airplane crash, then perhaps I would have tolerated the novel. The one character that had any personality was such a minor character she almost wasn't there, but she did have the best line of them all when she told the heroine "You're the stupidest gal the Good Lord ever gave breath to." I shouted out "Yes!" because I felt the same way. The heroine, Barrie Travis, is so self-centered, so weak, and so *stupid*, I kept hoping someone would off her. Unfortunately, she lives all the way up to the end. The hero, what little there is of him, is as bland as his name, Gray. There's no chemistry between the two, except for a hot encounter minutes (!) after they meet, and the only reason Barrie and Gray end up together in the end is because there's nothing else left to do. The book left me with plenty of breath, my nails entact,andcomfortably seated all the way back in my chair. I'm not knocking Sandra Brown, I enjoy her romances. I'm knocking this book. Thank goodness it was checked out of the libary for free. If I had spent good money on this tripe, I would have been really mad. -Sumrall Edge of your seat...or page....action A wonderful book that despite its length can be devoured in one or two days easily. The action kept me wanting for more and the chemistry between all of the characters, not just the hero and the heroine was amazing. I would not classify this as a romance and it is not typical of Sandra Brown's previous novels, but this woman is a brilliant author. It truly does keep you guessing until the end, even if you are someone like me who all but reads the entire last chapter before you read the second. -Mindyanne The high profile use of some of the world's most famous people. This is a fabulous book if you like romance books that are not the same as the next one or the one before. This book gives you a sense of real romance as well as danger and mystery. If you are squemish this book is not for you. If you are against violence this book is also not for you. If you love a good romance book that keeps you hanging right up to the last page this book should top your TO READ LIST. -Pachis

Publishers Weekly - Publisher's Weekly

The newborn son of the president and the first lady has died suddenly. Was his death a tragic consequence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)-or was it murder? Brown (The Witness) pulls out the stops in this nimbly plotted political thriller that pits a down-on-her-luck TV journalist against a popular chief executive. Barrie Travis is looking for her ticket out of a second-rate Washington, D.C., TV station, but she has a reputation as a screw-up with little credibility. When First Lady Vanessa Merritt hints to her that the baby's death may not have been due to SIDS after all, Barrie has the big story she needs-but who will believe her? Before Barrie can learn more from the First Lady, President David Merritt sends his wife "into seclusion," where she's heavily drugged and kept under close guard. Determined to uncover the truth, Barrie travels to Wyoming to question the man rumored to have been Vanessa's lover and possibly the father of her child, military hero Gray Bondurant. After a sexually charged meeting with the reclusive Gray, the reporter returns to Washington to find her townhouse bombed into rubble and the FBI asking too many questions. Can she, with Gray's help, rescue the First Lady and expose the president's secret? Despite merely serviceable prose, Brown's intricate weave of false leads, sinister motives and long-hidden truths is engrossing. Major ad/promo; Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Club main selections; author tour. (June) ~ FYI: Brown, 47, didn't publish her first novel until age 33. She's now written 60 novels, several under the pen names Laura Jordan, Rachel Ryan and Erin St. Claire. In the past five years, 24 of her books have made the New York Times bestseller lists.

School Library Journal

YA-Scandal strikes the First Family. How exactly did the President and First Lady's only child die? According to the White House, the baby died of sudden infant death syndrome. According to the ambitious female news reporter, Barrie Travis, their story veils the truth. Unfortunately, Barrie suffers from a tarnished reputation, because once she was too quick to report without checking her facts first. Joining with an enigmatic former presidential aide and a retired news editor, she uncovers the real story. It reveals the ugly side of too much ambition, too little moral character, and an overload of revenge. While chasing leads and villains, the reporterfalls in love with a man she believes is romantically involved with the First Lady. A very readable book in which the mystery lingers to the final sentence.-Linda Diane Townsend, formerly of Fairfax County Public Schools, VA

Kirkus Reviews

A beach-bag shoo-in: With trademark zing and vigor, Brown (Charade, 1994, etc.) takes on the White House.

Television newswoman Barrie Travis is surprised by an out-of- the-blue call from First lady Vanessa Merritt (an old schoolmate) asking her to meet for lunch at an off-the-beaten-path Washington cafe. Even more surprising is Vanessa's strange manner and suggestive conversation at the rendezvous, leading Barrie to suspect that the recent death of Robert Rushton Merritt, the President and Vanessa's only son, may be more of a mystery than it seemed when it was splashed all over the evening news as a classic case of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Barrie knows for sure that she's on to something when the president's smarmy right-hand man, Spencer Martin, starts eliminating her sources and following her tracks; with the help of her best friend Daily, an ex-reporter, and Gray Bondurant, a war hero and former aide to the president who escaped the crooked administration for the wilds of Colorado, Barrie launches a full-scale investigation in search of the answer America doesn't even know it doesn't know: What really happened to the First Son, and just how corrupt are the dashing young president and his lovely, grieving wife? The search uncovers more dirt and danger than Barrie, Daily, or even Gray had imagined, and Barrie's sleazy boss Howie Fripp is more of a hindrance than a help. But, of course, it's not just the mystery that preoccupies Barrie, whose first encounter with the dashing Gray is unforgettable; in the final pages, Brown nails a clever plot twist that will surprise all but the most suspicious of readers.

A fine pick for an election year: Brown knows her terrain and has produced a lively, gripping read.