Ghost Town (Morganville Vampires Series #9) share button
Rachel Caine
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.50 (w) x 8.20 (h) x 0.90 (d)
Pages 368
Publisher Penguin Group (USA)
Publication Date April 2011
ISBN 9780451232915
Book ISBN 10 0451232917
About Book

Get ready for "non-stop vampire action" (Darque Reviews) in the latest Morganville Vampire novel from New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine.

While developing a new system to maintain Morganville's defenses, student Claire Danvers discovers a way to amplify vampire mental powers. Through this, she's able to re-establish the field around this vampire-infested Texas college town that protects it from outsiders.

But the new upgrades have an unexpected consequence: people inside the town begin to slowly forget who they are-even the vampires. Soon, the town's little memory problem has turned into a full-on epidemic. Now Claire needs to figure out a way to pull the plug on her experiment- before she forgets how to save Morganville...

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From the Publisher

"Claire's tough-girl attitude may remind adult readers of Rachel Morgan and her world of human-vampire interactions." —-Booklist

VOYA - Lori Guenthner

Claire repairs the town's security measures after she is sentenced by the Founder to do so without rest. Morganville is a unique place where humans and vampires reside. Those leaving the town are supposed to have their memory erased. Instead, residents are having their memories erased by the computer. Some people, like Myrnin, are affected immediately—Myrnin still thinks he kills humans and other vampires. Claire and her roommates must break into Myrnin's lab to shut down the computer before the whole town suffers amnesia or, worse, death. The Founders are fighting over how to handle the humans, Claire's parents have to leave town, and Claire's boyfriend is told his father is a registered vampire. In the midst of all that drama, those with their memory must remind their unwitting friends of the truth. It can be heartbreaking, especially for those like Shane, who lost his sister in a fire, or Michael, who was turned into a vampire. But it can also make bonds stronger. The Morganville Vampires series is distinguished from other vampire novels by its steampunk feel. Caine mixes fantasy, science fiction, romance, and suspense—a combination that packs a punch. Enough background is given to understand the story without reading the other books in the series, although teens might be motivated to start at the beginning. Reviewer: Lori Guenthner

Melanie Hundley

In the ninth installment of The Morganville Vampires series, Claire and her friends are still struggling to protect Morganville from problems inside and outside of the town. Morganville is a unique place where vampires and people coexist (mostly), and protecting the town's secret is vitally important. Claire discovers a way to use the special powers that Vampires have to increase the town's protection against discovery. Unfortunately, her discovery has deadly consequences for the people inside Morganville. Both vampires and people alike are forgetting who they are and what they believe in; Claire has to fix the problem before she forgets who she is and what she did. Caine's series continues to be well developed and thoughtful. Claire and her friend go through typical adolescent struggles in addition to their more difficult challenges of living with vampires. Caine has several twists on vampire mythology that challenge the reader's expectations. Reviewer: Melanie Hundley