Classic Slave Narratives: The Life of Olaudah Equiano, The History of Mary Prince, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl share button
Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Format Mass Market Paperback
Dimensions 4.36 (w) x 7.08 (h) x 1.48 (d)
Pages 688
Publisher Penguin Group (USA)
Publication Date January 2002
ISBN 9780451528247
Book ISBN 10 0451528247
About Book

No group of slaves anywhere, in any era, has left such prolific testimony to the horror of bondage as African-American slaves. Here are four of the most notable narratives: The Life of Olaudah Equiano; The History of Mary Prince; Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass; and Incidents in the Life of Slave Girl.

Along with the writings of Frederick Douglas and Olaudah Equiano, this anthology includes the writings of women slaves Harriet Jacobs and Mary Prince.