Pet Sematary share button
Stephen King
Format Mass Market Paperback
Dimensions 6.80 (w) x 4.22 (h) x 1.34 (d)
Pages 576
Publisher Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group
Publication Date February 2001
ISBN 9780743412278
Book ISBN 10 0743412273
About Book
First published in 1983, Pet Sematary has since been regarded as one of Stephen King's most frightening and controversial novels. Daring to cross the boundaries of conventional fiction, King has woven a tale so fundamentally startling that he himself was hesitant for it to see the light of day upon its completion. A multilayered examination into the nature of untimely death, shattering loss, and utter desperation, Pet Sematary tears asunder the very fabric connecting our seemingly normal world and the afterlife...leaving readers with an awful truth too haunting to forget.

Annie Gottlieb

Like most of Mr. King novels, Pet Sematary loses credibility toward the end, as it gains in gore. . . Nor is Pet Sematary his best book as a piece of writing. . . . Reader, beware. This is a book for those who like to take their scare straight -- with a chaser of despair.
New York Times

Library Journal

In this BBC dramatization of King's (Wizard and Glass, Audio Reviews, LJ 2/15/98) 1983 best seller, Dr. Louis Creed moves his ideal family from congested, urban Chicago to the rural simplicity of Ludlow, ME. His property sits near a long-established pet burial ground and a mysterious Indian burial ground from which the dead can be raised. The program effectively draws us into the characters' world: marriage and family, then shock, grief and madness as we explore the nature and mystery of death. Presenting a multivoiced dramatization rather than a reading of the novel, the actors work together, with added music and sound effects, to create King's macabre world. Recommended.--Kristen L. Smith, Loras Coll. Lib., Dubuque, IA

Pittsburgh Press

Unrelenting, convincing...awesome power...his best yet!