Star Trek: S.C.E: Have Tech Will Travel: (SCE Omnibus) share button
Keith R. A. DeCandido
Format Mass Market Paperback
Dimensions 6.80 (w) x 4.26 (h) x 1.21 (d)
Pages 416
Publisher Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group
Publication Date January 2002
ISBN 9780743439961
Book ISBN 10 0743439961
About Book



Need a gigantic, marauding starship explored? Is your global computer system starting to break down? Call in the crack team from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Overseen by Captain Montgomery Scott from his office at Starfleet Headquarters, the S.C.E. can build, rebuild, program, reprogram, assemble, reassemble, or just figure out everything from alien replicators to doomsday machines. Just don't expect them to perform miracles — unless they absolutely have to.

Captain David Gold, his first officer Commander Sonya Gomez, and the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci put their lives on the line to save a colony world threatened by a deadly alien and rescue a ship trappedin the ravages of interphase.

Join Starfleet's miracle workers for a wrenching journey through the new frontier!



This is the first volume in a projected series about the exploits of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, which is under the control of Captain Montgomery Scott. This first installment actually has four different stories that all happen sequentially but which are all by different authors. The series involves the adventures of the U.S.S. da Vinci, a ship manned by a team of technicians whose mission it is to solve sticky engineering problems throughout the galaxy. In these four stories, the S.C.E. saves the universe from a mysterious ship that is infested with gigantic flesh-eating bugs, rescues a civilization whose master computer has been sabotaged, tames a rogue sentient space ship, and tries to salvage a derelict starship that is stranded in an interspatial rift in Tholian space (actually, only half of the adventure is told in this volume). The solutions that the inventive crew devises make for interesting and exciting reading. This series is a fine addition to the Star Trek printed series. (Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Book 1).. KLIATT Codes: JSA—Recommended for junior and senior high school students, advanced students, and adults. 2002, Pocket Books, 396p.,