Persuasion of My Days : An Anecdotal Memoir: the Early Years share button
H. A. Dorfman
Format Paperback
Dimensions 6.06 (w) x 8.98 (h) x 0.56 (d)
Pages 172
Publisher Hamilton Books
Publication Date 2005/01/27
ISBN 9780761829805
Book ISBN 10 0761829806
About Book

Harvey Dorfman literally rose from a childhood sickbed to his place of world renown in the field of sports psychology. Here he recounts the early experiences that 'persuaded' his future years. Dorfman takes the reader along this journey to his initial experience as an educator. Writer/theologian Frederick Buechner calls the book, "moving, convincing, alive and true; these chapters are (as) authentic a picture of a boy's finding his way as any I know." This first of two volumes closes on a twenty-seven-year-old readying himself for a career that would take him from high school coaching to his current prominence in the world of professional sports.


Al Leiter

I was always envious of those who raved about a teacher who had a profound effect on their lives. Unfortunately, I did not have such an educator during my school years. At the age of twenty-six, however, I met an inspirational teacher who helped shape my life. Harvey helped me become a better Major League pitcher, but more importantly, helped me be a better husband, father, and friend. I feel grateful and blessed to have such an extraordinary person in my life. When I am asked who my most influential teacher was, my answer is, 'Harvey Dorfman, he helped change my life for the better.'

Scott Boras

It's easy to understand how Harvey has been able to help so many professional athletes after reading what he did to combat his own struggles as a youth. He knows by direct experience that his no-nonsense, aggressive approach to problem-solving works. This is an insightful and entertaining look into the boy who 'fathered the man.'

David J. Schopick

A remarkable personal revelation of a man who struggled with a debilitating illness through his childhood. His hardships became his foundation for helping athletes, from high school through the professional level, to achieve their highest potential. Read this book to appreciate the boy and man behind 'the mental game.'