2006 Gamer's Almanac share button
William Abner
Genre Reference
Format Paperback
Dimensions 7.96 (w) x 9.96 (h) x 0.76 (d)
Pages 336
Publisher Que
Publication Date January 2006
ISBN 9780789734655
Book ISBN 10 0789734656
About Book

Your dose of gaming goodness for Xbox, PlayStation, GameCube, GameBoy, PCs, Macs, and Linux! The 2006 Gamer’s Tome of Ultimate Wisdom: An Almanac of Pimps, Orcs and Lightsabers is filled with entertaining reviews, previews, and commentaries on all gaming platforms and the gaming industry as a whole. The book takes a month-by-month look back at the significant game releases of 2005 and looks ahead to the exciting titles you can expect to see in 2006.

Along the way the Gamer’s Tome offers insights into anything and everything that has to do with gaming, including why sports games are the biggest rip-off in the industry, advice on how to talk about games in public without being shunned by “regular” people and even what energy drinks give you that extra oomph you need to get through an all-night LAN party. This book is for you if you view gaming - be it PC, console or handheld gaming - as a major component of your life!