Excursions in Epichoric History: Aiginetan Essays (Greek Studies) share button
Thomas Figueira
Genre History
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 6.00 (w) x 9.34 (h) x 1.17 (d)
Pages 380
Publisher Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Publication Date August 1993
ISBN 9780847677917
Book ISBN 10 0847677915
About Book

In a test case for the study of epichoric Greek history (that not centered on Athens and Sparta), Thomas Figueira deploys a range of disciplinary methodologies to explore the political history of the ancient island city-state of Aigina, down to the Roman conquest of Greece. Excursions in Epichoric History combines previously published articles, revised and updated, and new essays to provide a set of alternative perspectives on the course of Greek foreign policy and institutional history.


Bryn Mawr Classical Review

. . . his book is a salutary challenge to our usual Athenocentric view.

Classical Review

On the positive side are the sheer range of evidence that F. deploys . . . his smartness and ingenuity in discovering Aeginetan angles in unpromising contexts, his clearsightedness . . . and his fruitful, even exciting, contextualisations of Pindaric epinicians within Aegineatan and Athenian politics.