Dictionary of Iraqi Arabic: English-Arabic, Arabic-English (Georgetown Classics in Arabic Language and Linguistics) share button
Beverly E. Clarity
Format Paperback
Dimensions 9.92 (w) x 10.88 (h) x 1.55 (d)
Pages 768
Publisher Georgetown University Press
Publication Date September 2003
ISBN 9780878401369
Book ISBN 10 0878401369
About Book

Originally offered in two separate volumes, A Dictionary of Iraqi Arabic, a staple of Georgetown University Press's world-renowned Arabic language program, now handily provides both the English to Arabic and Arabic to English texts in one volume. Designed for an English speaker learning Arabic, this is a key reference for anyone learning the colloquial speech of Iraq as spoken by educated people in Baghdad. Using romanized transliteration and transcription rather than the Arabic alphabet, it is further enhanced in most cases by having sentences to illustrate how individual word entries are used in context, reinforcing the user's acquisition of colloquial Iraqi.