Strike It Rich with Pocket Change! share button
Brian Allen
Format Paperback
Dimensions 8.78 (w) x 11.00 (h) x 0.55 (d)
Pages 272
Publisher KP Books
Publication Date November 2006
ISBN 9780896894426
Book ISBN 10 0896894428
About Book
Appeals to general and expert coin collectors—more than 1 million serious coin collectors in the U.S.

Features comprehensive coin error coverage—helpful for specialty collectors participating in the 1,800 continuous online auctions for errors and varieties

Perfect guide to help introduce new collectors to the hobby of coin collecting

Who doesn't enjoy a good treasure hunt? Hunting for errors and varieties of coins is as easy as checking pockets, sock drawers and coin jars, and possibly more valuable than most treasure hunts. This guide gives descriptions of common to rare varieties buried among circulating coins, plus market pricing. In this book, collectors and aspiring collectors will find:

* More than 1,500 large illustrations to assist with accurate identification of coins to elude the U.S. Mint's quality control procedures

* Easy-to-follow grading scale to aid collectors in determining value of coins

* Listings for the latest known varieties of 50 State Quarters series, a hot category in coin collecting

Whether experienced collector, or intrigued treasure hunter, this book offers anyone with a pocket full of change the opportunity to make valuable discoveries