I Am Becoming The Woman I've Wanted share button
Sandra Martz
Format Paperback
Dimensions 6.96 (w) x 9.22 (h) x 0.70 (d)
Pages 256
Publisher Moyer Bell
Publication Date January 2010
ISBN 9780918949493
Book ISBN 10 0918949491
About Book

I Am Becoming the Woman I've Wanted, the latest in the series of best-selling anthologies (When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple and If I Had My Life to Live Over I would Pick More Daisies), delves into the sometimes hidden and always powerful feelings that women have about their bodies. In the emotionally evocative style that characterizes Martz's previous collections, this book explores coming of age, sexuality, child-birth, physical power, menopause, aging, and much more.

This is more than just another book about body image. Using her talent for bringing together extraordinary stories, poems, and photographs about women's lives, editor Sandra Martz explores the broader question of how the physical aspects of being female affect women's experiences. This best-selling anthology will have women reading and thinking and sharing for a long time.


WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women

I Am Becoming the Woman I've Wanted, is a collection of writings by women of all ages, each of which express how it feels to be a woman, living in the space of a female body. Taking and examining their bodies in sickness and in health, in pregnancy and in old age, these women celebrate their selves and their femaleness. All of these titles are guaranteed to bring you closer to other women and yourself&#8211the woman you've always wanted to be, mismatched purple clothing, daisies, decisions and all.
—Phyllis Hyman