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Aurora Levins Morales
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.50 (w) x 8.40 (h) x 0.60 (d)
Pages 213
Publisher Firebrand Books
Publication Date December 1986
ISBN 9780932379191
Book ISBN 10 0932379192
About Book
The authors are mother and daughter, feminists, radicals, Puerto Rican and American, Jewish. In this collection of essays, poems, and stories, they write about their search for identity, about growing up Jewish in a Catholic world, about their response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and other subjects.

Publishers Weekly - Publisher's Weekly

A mother and daughter of Puerto Rican and Jewish ancestry, the Moraleses express their radical and feminist views in diary-like poetry and prose that echo the rhetoric of the '60s. Yet the mixed origins of this pair lend an international, even universal feeling to the sentiments. They seem to speak for many women of many places and times. Titles of their pieces include ``Concepts of Pollution,'' ``Distress Signals,'' ``Getting Out Alive,'' ``Class Poem'' and ``I Am the Reasonable One.'' Both authors are literary, serious, socially concerned and passionate, and their anger is about injustices that plague them and other people. There is much vivid imagery and heartfelt emotion, and the reader may well long for causes that stir them as these women are stirred. (December)