7 Weeks To Safe Social Drinking share button
Donna J Cornett
Format Paperback
Dimensions 0.42 (w) x 6.00 (h) x 9.00 (d)
Pages 184
Publisher People Friendly Books
Publication Date March 2005
ISBN 9780976372004
Book ISBN 10 0976372002
About Book
Based on the revolutionary Drink/Link Moderate Drinking Program, this book teaches drinkers to modify their drinking habits, reduce alcohol consumption and prevent alcoholism on their own at home - no meetings, belief in a higher power or profess- ional help are required!
First, you learn five safe-drinking guidelines, then each week you learn clinically- proven behavioral, cognitive, motivational and lifestyle strategies and technqiues to stay within those guidelines. Beating alcohol craving, pacing your drinking, mastering the art of social drinking and learning from drinking "mistakes" are all covered.
7 Weeks to Safe Social Drinking is a breakthrough for drinkers, alcohol abuse and healthcare professionals and an attractive early treatment program to prevent alcohol abuse.