Plays and Playwrights for the New Millennium - the e-book share button
Martin Denton
Publisher The New York Theatre Experience, Inc.
Publication Date 2/1/2010
ISBN 9780979485244
Book ISBN 10 097948524X
About Book
PLAYS AND PLAYWRIGHTS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM was the very first book in our highly successful PLAYS AND PLAYWRIGHTS series. It was released in 2000 and went out of print in 2004. Now it's back in electronic format, with lots of exciting bonus material!

MIDNIGHT BRAINWASH REVIVAL by Kirk Wood Bromley - A revel for the new millennium featuring cross-dressers, mismatched lovers, false prophets and madmen, all involved in a grand, possibly apocalyptic drama in the Utah desert.

WHEN WORDS FAIL... by David Dannenfelser - A tender, innovative comedy about the survival of the human spirit in the information age.

MAKING PETER POPE by Edmund De Santis - An epic comedy about a young gay man struggling to gain control of his life after his mother dies and his father quickly remarries.

CRUNCHING NUMBERS by Lynn Marie Macy - Three pungent, linked one-act plays about the supreme angst and anguish that comes with turning thirty.

CAFÉ SOCIETY by Robert Simonson - A cockeyed satire of contemporary urban America in which a young woman goes to hell and back just to get her daily dose of iced de-ca.

"SO, I KILLED A FEW PEOPLE..." by GARY RUDOREN & DAVID SUMMERS - A chillingly comic monologue delivered by a convicted serial killer on death row whose final request is to put on a one-man show.

ARE WE THERE YET? by Garth Wingfield - A bittersweet comic drama about a young woman's renewal and rebirth following some truly shocking medical news.

Bonus Material includes these brand new works: EXCERPT FROM UNTITLED by Kirk Wood Bromley. The first ten minutes of a new play continuing his style of poetic writing. AN OTHERWISE EMPTY ROOM (MANHATTAN) by David Dannenfelser. A 10-minute play of very few words told all in the action. SEBRESQUE by Edmund De Santis. A quirky, somewhat darker 10-minute play for three actors. WRACKED by Lynn Marie Macy. A contemporary 10-minute play that looks on an interesting mother/daughter relationship. EXCERPT FROM ARCHIE NUNN KILLED A FEW PEOPLE by Gary Rudoren. A screenplay based on his and David Summer's play. STORY TIME by Garth Wingfield. An up-to-date 10-minute play with an acerbic wit and a bit of sarcasm.

In addition the anthology includes the original Preface and Introduction PLUS an updated Preface, current Permission and Copyright information and updated biographies for all the authors.

The book is edited by Martin Denton, founder and Executive Director of The New York Theatre Experience, a nonprofit corporation with a goal toward promoting the work of emerging playwrights.