The Death of Right and Wrong: Exposing the Left's Assault on Our Culture and Values share button
Tammy Bruce
Genre History
Format Paperback
Dimensions 4.90 (w) x 7.98 (h) x 0.78 (d)
Pages 352
Publisher Crown Publishing Group
Publication Date June 2004
ISBN 9781400052943
Book ISBN 10 1400052947
About Book
If you believe children should be seduced into warped sexual behavior by the Gay Elite, if you think confessed murderers should be set free by defense attorneys who know how to wield the race card, if you feel promiscuous gay men should be empowered to spread AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, don’t read this book.

But if you’ve always suspected that factions on the Left are trying to destroy the values that define our civilization, this book proves it. Through the pages of The Death of Right and Wrong, author, activist, and pundit Tammy Bruce takes you inside the chilling world of the Left—a place where morals and decency have been turned on their heads and the crisp distinction between Right and Wrong has been blurred into a mushy, gray mess.

In this world, the Gay Elite exploit our children—under the guise of tolerance and education—to satisfy their sexual obsessions.

In this world, the Black Elite laud convicted murderers as community heroes and award-winning “artists.”

In this world, the Feminist Elite fawn over a woman who mercilessly killed all five of her children.

And much more that will offend your sense of decency and threaten your basic values.

Ms. Bruce smashes the facades of “Tolerance,” “Understanding,” and other Leftist slogans to reveal the ugly truth of their agenda. As a gay activist and former president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization of Women, she witnessed firsthand the Left’s attempts to undermine our millennia-old code of morals and values, aided by politically biased media and academia. And if the news headlines of today are any indication, they’re winning the culture war. Unless we act now, we are doomed at the hands of special interest groups on the Left who want nothing more than to undermine our ability to judge right from wrong in order to foist their own selfish, anything-goes society on the rest of us. This book reveals what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, and what we can do to restore decency in our society.

You’ll discover powerful tools in these pages to help you understand the psychology of the Left—what makes them tick and, more importantly, how to stop them from eroding our values completely. Full of controversial opinions and countless examples ripped from the headlines, The Death of Right and Wrong is a powerful, eye-opening book that you won’t want to be without.


The New York Times

[Bruce's] points are familiar ones: that Hollywood and television have produced a culture of amorality, that the judicial system rewards criminals instead of victims, that -- thanks to the continued dominance of the left -- our children are not being taught the difference between right and wrong. But her examples are good ones: I certainly warmed to her when she attacked the open nihilism of the loathsome film "American Beauty," which inexplicably won five Academy Awards. — Anne Applebaum

Publishers Weekly

Self-proclaimed lesbian pro-choice feminist Bruce, ex-president of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW and author of The New Thought Police, blames the decline of civilization on other lesbian pro-choice feminists in this lurid right-wing screed. Bruce argues that multiculturalism, identity politics and "relativism" have turned American society into a "moral vacuum" incapable of distinguishing right from wrong, a reflection of the "malignant narcissism" of an all-powerful "Left Elite." With an apostate's zeal, she pillories the Feminist Elite's hatred of men, marriage and motherhood, the Black Elite's championing of violent rap, the Gay Elite's "grab for children" by insinuating let-it-all-hang-out sex-ed programs into schools, the Academic Elite's nihilism and anti-Americanism, and the Entertainment Elite's "moral depravity beyond measure." Bruce revels in trashing radical excess (performance artists are a favorite) and does point out, crudely, some of the contradictory currents of left ideology. But her own critique lacks coherence. She lumps together such disparate figures as Bill Clinton, Mumia Abu-Jamal and the "moral terrorist" Ozzy Osbourne as emblems of a monolithic Left. She decries academics' rejection of all moral values, but when they do express a moral judgment-by condemning America's "ethnic cleansing" of Indians, or the wartime internment of Japanese-Americans-they are guilty of "morally killing" America's "heroes." She complains of being "demonized" by leftists, then describes said leftists as a "diseased seed" who "hate themselves and hate this country." "I now realize that [conservatives] who disagree with me also have good points," she avers. Too bad she won't extend that courtesy to her opponents on the left. (May) Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.