Batman: Ego and Other Tails share button
Darwyn Cooke
Format Paperback
Dimensions 6.79 (w) x 10.42 (h) x 0.49 (d)
Pages 200
Publisher DC Comics
Publication Date 6/6/2007
ISBN 9781401215293
Book ISBN 10 1401215297

School Library Journal

Gr 4 Up
With Bruce Wayne's psychotic breakdown and subsequent conversation with his alter ego in Batman: Ego (DC Comics, 2000), Cooke shows readers Batman at his weakest point, while stark black-and-white drawings of "The Monument" allow them to see that hero worship has its downside. The full-length graphic novel "Selina's Big Score" offers more insight into Catwoman's life of crime. The graphics in this compilation vary from the familiar comic-book style of "Date Night" to the bright whites and dreary blacks of "Here Be Monsters," and offer something for every Batman fan. If your collection is lacking either "Ego" or "Selina's Big Score," then Cooke's compilation is a wise purchase. Otherwise, with no plot and very little stylistic connection among the seven "tails," this one is a better fit for collectors than for libraries.
—Sarah KrygierCopyright 2006 Reed Business Information.