The Best American Short Plays 2006-2007 share button
Barbara Parisi
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.50 (w) x 8.40 (h) x 1.10 (d)
Pages 380
Publisher Applause Theatre Book Publishers
Publication Date May 2010
ISBN 9781557837486
Book ISBN 10 1557837481
About Book

(Best American Short Plays). Applause is proud to continue the series that for over 60 years has been the standard of excellence for one-act plays in America. Our editor Barbara Parisi has selected the following 16 plays: DEBOOM: WHO GIVES THIS WOMAN? , by Mark Medoff; And Then , by Amelia Arenas; The Cleaning , by Zilvinas Jonusas; Breakfast and Bed , by Amy Fox; The News from St. Petersburg , by Rich Orloff; Double Murder , by Scott Klavan; Running in Circles Screaming , by Jeni Mahoney; Witness , by Peter Maloney; Asteroid Belt , by Lauren Feldman; Glass Knives , by Liliana Almendarez; Hearts and Minds , by Adam Kraar; In Conclusive Woman , by Julie (Pratt) Mollenkamp; Mixed MeSSages , by Mike Pasternack; Amouresque and Arabesque , by Victor Gluck; and The Birth of Theater , by Jules Tasca.