Second Year Sobriety: Getting Comfortable Now that Everything Is Different share button
Guy Kettelhack
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.38 (w) x 8.38 (h) x 0.38 (d)
Pages 152
Publisher Hazelden Publishing
Publication Date September 1998
ISBN 9781568382319
Book ISBN 10 1568382316
About Book
This second volume in Kettelhack's series takes on the "terrible twos." Here people in recovery share their experiences and insights in dealing with long-suppressed feelings of anger, loss, guilt, love, and self-acceptance. Kettelhack shows how "sticking with it"--persevering with the struggle to deal with new feelings and refusing to give in to addictive impulses--ultimately creates the sense of life as an ongoing adventure, one more vivid, exciting and sustaining than had ever been thought possible.

Guy Kettelhack has written seven books on recovery. He is completing a Master's degree in psychoanalysis, and is an analyst-in-training at the Boston and New York Centers for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies. A graduate of Middlebury College, Kettelhack has also done graduate work in English literature at Bread Loaf School of English at Oxford University. He lives in New York City.