Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry Almanac 2006: Your Reference Source to the Telecom Business share button
Jack W. Plunkett
Genre Engineering
Format Paperback
Dimensions 8.50 (w) x 11.00 (h) x 2.00 (d)
Pages 646
Publisher Plunkett Research
Publication Date August 2005
ISBN 9781593920326
Book ISBN 10 1593920326
About Book
Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry Almanac is the only complete reference guide to the telecommunications technologies and companies that are changing the way the world communicates today. This massive reference book’s market research section provides complete access to the U.S. telecommunications and communications industry. This section includes over a dozen major statistical tables covering everything from revenues for the fixed line and wireless service sectors, to the number of telephone subscribers worldwide, to telephone equipment import and export market numbers. Finally, in this carefully-researched volume, you will receive an abundance of data on: national and global telecommunications statistics, new telecommunications technology, telecommunications market forecasts, telecommunications trends and leading telecommunications companies. In the corporate profiles section, you’ll receive vital details on the "Telecommunications 500 Firms," the largest, most successful corporations in all facets of the telecommunications business. These in-depth profiles include corporate name, address, phone, fax, web site, growth plans, competitive advantage, financial histories and up to 27 executive contacts by title. You will also find information regarding local exchange and long distance telephone service markets and trends, wireless and cellular telephone markets and trends, satellite telecommunications, Wi-Fi, telephone industry equipment, software and support. Telecommunications is one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic industries in the world today. Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry Almanac will be your guide to this rapidly-changing business. Purchasers of the printed book or PDF version may receive a free CD-ROM database of the corporate profiles, enabling export of vital corporate data for mail merge and other uses.