Generation Debt: How Our Future Was Sold Out for Student Loans, Bad Jobs, No Benefits, and Tax Cuts for Rich Geezers--And How to Fight Back share button
Anya Kamenetz
Format Paperback
Dimensions 5.62 (w) x 8.24 (h) x 0.85 (d)
Pages 336
Publisher Penguin Group (USA)
Publication Date December 2006
ISBN 9781594482342
Book ISBN 10 1594482349
About Book

Generation Debt offers a truly gripping account of how young Americans are being ground down by low wages, high taxes, huge student loans, sky-high housing prices, not to mention the impending retirement of their baby boomer parents. Twenty-four-year-old Anya Kamenetz examines this issue from every angle and provides a riveting, rousing manifesto that will inspire everyone to take care of their financial future.