When the Canary Stops Singing: Women's Perspectives on Transforming Business share button
Pat Barrentine
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 6.25 (w) x 9.28 (h) x 0.98 (d)
Pages 290
Publisher Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Publication Date January 1994
ISBN 9781881052418
Book ISBN 10 1881052419
About Book

Early in the century, miners would take canaries below ground with them. When the canary stopped singing, they knew the air was too toxic to breathe. Like the canaries, women who work in today's corporate marketplace are serving as an early warning system to alert us that the business environment is becoming unhealthy and we must make far-reaching changes. The authors of these essays go beyond sounding a warning to serve as harbingers of essential business transformation. They are entrepreneurs, consultants, corporate executives, and thinkers of all stripes. While big companies conduct "business as usual", these women are pioneering innovation. In fifteen provocative, practical, and insightful essays, they share painful struggles, striking new metaphors, stories and legends, and fresh analogies - the corporate mythology of tomorrow, the raw, vital stuff of transformation. As varied as their backgrounds and perspectives may be, these women see a common need and share a common goal - to create more humane and nurturing workplaces. Truth and a willingness to risk are benchmarks of the essays, as is the search for personal and spiritual freedom. The authors speak of personal responsibility and a balance among all the areas of one's life. Work becomes an arena for self-discovery, explained through metaphors that are organic, contrasting with traditional male metaphors taken from sports and the military. The controlling "power over" becomes life-nurturing "power to", and steps for creating a full and productive partnership between men and women are defined. In proposing new and more effective ways to succeed in business, When the Canary Stops Singing explodes the myth that feminine andmasculine perspectives can't interact in harmony. Its examples testify to the importance of moving beyond the masculine status quo to achieve a balance in the workplace that will ultimately benefit everyone.


Alice Joyce

Barrentine has selected a group of essays written by women in the business world, suggesting new approaches to coping with problems surfacing in corporate life today. Common themes appear, such as the need for flexible conditions for single parents, or more integration between one's personal and work life. These thought-provoking ideas are geared toward sensitizing and humanizing the business environment, with each writer engaged in a quest for alternative strategies. The emphasis throughout is on women's strengths and new ways of utilizing them, on improving the business environment for workers and managers alike, and on carrying a message of global connection to the insular atmosphere of corporate life.

WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women

For many, especially laborers, "American business" and "capitalism" conjure up negative images and imagionable business ideals. I have visions of single-minded money-mongers with no regard for the people whose energy and resources are their backbone. Curtailing the "us and them" syndrome and archaic business practices is the aim behind When The Canary Stops Singing. Pat Barrentine pooled diffeent perspectives from 15 women entrepreneurs, consultants and executives. Their visions comprise a new way of conducting business and living life in and out of the office, primarily by switching from a dominator model to one of partnership as the means for developing a healthy business and personal life, together.