Majestic Discus share button
Manfred Goebel
Format Hardcover
Pages 48
Publisher Verlag A.C.S. GmbH
Publication Date September 1999
ISBN 9783931702434
Book ISBN 10 393170243X
About Book
The King of fishes, the living dream of every aquarist. We show you the 48 most beautiful discus on the included poster. The care of these beauties is quite demanding—our specialists tell you how to get along smoothly. The 'true' discus fan should be on the look-out for Aqualog South American Cichlids IV which shows all discus and angels on about 900 brilliant color photos.

The fishes featured in this book are not just identified by their name but also code number. Aqualog has developed an ingenious code number system which labels every known or newly discovered fish (incl. breeding forms etc.) with an individual code number. This number remains, despite any scientific renaming. Moreover, it enables you to communicate internationally about any fish without the danger of confusion regarding local names!

If you require complete information on all fishes of this group, you'll find it in our Aqualog-reference book South American Cichlids IV!